Tosh (Hasidic dynasty)

Tosh (also "Tash"; Hebrew/Yiddish: טאהש) is a Hasidic dynasty originating in Nyirtass, Hungary. Today it is based in Kiryas Tosh, Quebec, Canada, outside of Boisbriand, a suburb of Montreal, Canada. The current leader is Grand Rabbi Meshulam Feish Segal-Loewy (born 1921 in Hungary). Tosher Hasidim have synagogues in the United States in Boro Park, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Kiryas Joel, and Monsey, as well as in Montreal and in London, England. Tosh is one of the large Chassidic groups in the world.

The Tosher Rebbe remarried after being widowed for many years. His first wife, Chava (née Weingarten), a direct descendent of Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk, was known for her extreme kindness and hospitality as well as her sense of humor. It was said that her kitchen, heart and pocketbook were always open to anyone hungry or in need.

Many of the current Tosher Rebbe's talks have been written down in a series of five books entitled "Avodas Avodah."

Lineage of the Tosh Dynasty

The first Tosher Rebbe was Grand Rabbi Meshulam Feish Segal-Loewy, a disciple of Rabbi Yitschok Ayzik of Komarno, author of Heichal HaBrocho. Rabbi Yitschok Ayzik was a disciple of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh of Zidichov, a disciple of the Chozeh of Lublin. The Chozeh was a disciple of Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk, author of Noam Elimelech. The Rebbe Elimelech was a disciple of the Rebbe Dovber, the Maggid (Preacher) of Mezeritch, the primary disciple of the Baal Shem Tov, the founder of Hasidism.

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